Thursday, July 30, 2009

Psst, wanna buy Kartchner Caverns?

While the national news media is mostly talking about Arizona considering selling off its state buildings, including the Capitol, there is a report that Kartchner Caverns State Park is also on the list, with a reputed sale price of $10.5 million. The Arizona Republic says there are 32 properties on the list and identify 10 of them, including prisons, hospitals, and office buildings but they say nothing specifically about Kartchner Caverns. [right, credit Arizona State Parks]

Bob Casavant, a geologist and chief science advisor in State Parks, was in Texas last week, meeting with world cave experts. He reports that Kartchner is considered the world leader in management of a living cave system.


  1. If such rumors are true, a bad, bad idea. Hope logic prevails.

  2. The Associated Press report says, "Other 'candidate properties' range from state prisons and the mental hospital to run-of-the-mill state office buildings and Kartchner Caverns State Park, the crown jewel of the state parks system."
