The Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee passed the museum transfer bill, SB1200, by 9-0 on Monday. It now goes to the full House for approval and then on the to Governor for signature.
SB1200 transfers the building that housed the former Mining and Mineral Museum from the Arizona Historical Society to the Arizona Geological Survey to be converted to a Mining, Mineral, and Natural Resources Education Museum.
The building has been vacant and unused since it was closed in 2011 in preparation for converting it to a centennial museum. However, private funding was not forthcoming and Gov. Brewer had committed to not using state money for it.
SB1200 sponsor Sen. Gail Griffin yesterday said she was confident the private sector would provide $2.5 million to complete the necessary building upgrades to open the new museum.
AZGS has taken a neutral position on the bill due to the uncertainty over funds needed to open and operate the facility.
Caridosuctor populosum Coelacanth Fossil
17 hours ago
The 9-0 vote is very encouraging, and getting Sen. Griffin's pledge to help raise private money to complete the new museum helps put funding in the proper perspective--it's not only AGS's problem. It also leaves open coming up with a reasonable plan and time-frame for completion. The MMM supporters are obviously willing and able to help in the restoration of that incredible museum.