German blogger geoberg.de has compiled a list of 101 geoblogs. I'm reposting them here to help spread the word. There are a lot of talented people sharing fascinating and well-written ideas and news out there. The role of geoblogging is still in its formative stage. It's exciting to see how quickly it's growing and diversifying. Thanks to Callan Bentley at NOVA Geoblog for spotting this list.
- About Geology by Andrew Alden - diverse geoscientific news and information
- Earth Learning Idea - every week a new geodidactic idea
- The Accretionary Wedge - Blog collecting the results of geoblog carnivals
- EffJot by Florian Jenn (partly in German)
- geoberg.de-Blog by Lutz Geißler - News and more about geosciences, especially economic geology (in German)
- The GeoChristian by Kevin Nelstead - Blog about geosciences from a view of a Christian
- geolismus.de by Lutz Geißler and guest authors - Blog about public relations and education in geosciences and mining (in German)
- Geological Musing in the Taconic Mountains by John van Hoesen - diverse topics from field works to history of geology
- Geology Happens - experiences and results of the authors field work
- Geology News by Dave Schumaker - geoscientific news
- Geology News by Hobart King - geoscientific news
- Geotripper - geology of the Western USA
- goodSchist - posts from geology to astronomy (inclusive the “podClast”)
- Gunnars Geo-Blog - links to geoscientific papers and news (in German)
- The Limonit Blog - diverse geoscientific topics
- The Lost Geologist - geological life and research of a German geology student
- Lounge of the Lab Lemming - Blog of a geochemist and field geologist
- The Musings of a Life-Long Scholar - Blog of a long-life geostudent
- NOVA Geoblog by Callan Bentley - diverse geoscientific topics, especially about education
- Olelog by Ole Nielson from Denmark - from tectonics to volcanism, climate change, mineralogy and more
- Ron Schott’s Geology Home Companion Blog by Ron Schott - Blog about GigaPan (among other topics)
- Terra incognita - diverse geo-topics (in Swedish)
(Palaeo-) Climatology
- James’ Empty Blog by James Annan - Blog about climate research, prediction and policy
- Real Climate - Blog about climate science from climate scientists
Geo-Hazards / Geoengineering
- Dave’s Landslide Blog by David Petley - landslide news and research
- Geomorphic Hazards by Dawn and Dave Nicholson - news and links about geo-hazards
- GeoPrac.net - Blog about geoengineering and related topics
- Strike Slip - news about extreme geo-cataclysms
- The Great Southern California ShakeOut - official blog of the Shake Out “event”
Geo-Information (GIS etc.)
- The Geo Factor by Ron Exler - Blog about GIS, GPS etc.
- Geologic Froth - blog about geoscientific data-processing with focus on GPS and GIS
- MiGeo - Blog from Peru about web-based geoscientific applications (in Spanish)
- Arctic and Alpine by Dawn and Dave Nicholson - news, discussions and links about geomorphology in cold climates
- Green Gabbro by Maria Brumm - diverse geophysical and general geoscientific topics
- Harmonic Tremors - articles about seismic and seismology
- Hypo-theses - earth quakes and more
- Industry Seismology and Stuff by Walter Kessinger - links to news about mostly oil-related geophysical topics (”the longest-runnig geoblog out there“)
- Sismordia by Alessa Maggi and others - seismology in the Antarctic
Hydrogeology / Hydrology
- Ordinary High Water Mark - experiences from water research
- Pools and Riffles - hdyrology of Nevada and other regions
- Alberta Vertebrate Palaeontological Association-Blog - vertebrate palaeontology of Arizona
- Ask Dr. Vector by Matt Wedel - palaeontology and biology of mainly flying animals
- Bio/Rocks by Sarah Werning - vertebrate palaeontology and biology
- Dave Hone’s Archosaur Musings by Dave Hone - palaeontology of dinosaurs
- Dinochick by Rebecca Foster - palaeontology and other stuff
- Dino Frey’s Weblog by Dr. Eberhard Frey from Germany - Blog about dinosaurs (especially Pterosaurs)
- Echinoblog by Christopher L. Mah - vertebrates and collection work
- The Ethical Palaeontologist - some palaeontological articles
- Geologia online - mainly palaeontological posts (in Italian)
- The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Big Lie by Sherry Konkus - articles about the controversial creationism and the role of dinosaurs
- Laelaps by Brian Switek - Blog about evolution
- The Loom by Carl Zimmer - Blog about life, past and future
- The Open Source Paleontologist - Blog about open source software for Geoscientists
- Palaeoblog by Michael J. Ryan - diverse palaeontological topics
- Panda’s Thumb - Blog about evolution and creationists
- Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week by Darren Naish, Matt Wedel and Mike Taylor - every week a new picture and additional articles about sauropods
- Triloblog - Blog about trilobites
- Why I hate Theropods - Blog about Mesozoic reptiles and evolution
Petrology/Mineralogy/Economic Geology
- Antimonite - palaeontological and archaeological articles
- GeoCosas from Chile - Blog with focus on metallogeny and tectonics (in Spanish)
- Looking for Detachement by Silver Fox - articles about field work and exploration
- Mineraland Chile - Blog about Chilean minerals with many photographs (in Spanish)
- Rocks & Minerals - a kind of encyclopedia about rocks and minerals
Quarternary Geology
- Cryology and Co. - geology of ice
Regional and Local Geology
- Arizona Geology by Allison - diverse geo-topics about Arizona and neighbouring states
- Oakland Geology by Andrew Alden - geological outcrops in Oakland
- proreg news by Michael Hahl - articles about the geology of the German Odenwald (in German)
- Active Margin by Jim Repka - sedimentology and geoscientific education
- Clastic Detritus by B. W. Romans - blog with comprehensive articles
- The Dynamic Earth - Blog with mainly sedimentological topics
- Hindered Settling by Zoltán Sylvester - comprehensive geo-articles
- In Terra Veritas - Blog of a sedimentologist about the geo-world
- Ramblings of a Geologist by Katherine Allen - Blog about the sediments of Lake Erie and climate change
- Reporting on a Revolution by Suvrat Kher - climate change, evolution and more
- Ripples in Sand - Blog by a graduate student from the Rocky Mountains
- Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum Geology by Paul Wilson - comprehensive geoscientific articles
- Stratamodel Blog by Tom Bell - Blog about the field work of the Stratamodel Inc.
- Ten Million Years of Solitude - sedimentological, Quarternary geological and climate-related topics
Structural Geology/Tectonics
- Al my faults are stress related by Kim Hannula - articles about geoscientific education and climate (besides structural geology)
- Apparent Dip - useful articles about geo- and thermochronology
- ECRIS & CEVP - comprehensive articles about the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) and the Central European Volcanic Provence (CEVP) (in German)
- Eruptions by Dr. Erik W. Klemetti - Blog about active volcanos worldwide
- Magma Cum Laude - blog about volcanos and their molten and solidified products
- Volcano Summer - Blog about a research stay of a geology student at Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
- The Volcanism Blog by Dr. Ralph Harrington - Blog about worldwide volcanos, especially Chaitén, Llaima, Kilauea and Tungurahua
- Accidental Remediation - articles about environmental geology and remediation
- A Thin Section - Blog of a former economic geologist with spradic posts
- Branner Blog by the Branner Library (Standford University) - News about geo-libarary work
- Christie at the Cape - Blog about the experiences of a geological emigrant
- The Chronicles of the Angry Geologist - diverse topics, minor about geosciences
- Earth Sciences and Maps Library Blog of the University of California in Berkeley - Blog about maps
- Geo/Arch/Sci Blog by Ellery Frahms - articles about geoarchaeology
- GeoLibros by Make Stannen from Chile - normal and e-books are presented (in Spanish)
- Geology Joe - diverse topics, partly about geosciences
- Ontario-geofish by Harold Asmis - diverse topics
- Natural History Now! by the Utah Museum of Natural History - geological, geographical and biological topics from Utah, USA
- Reel Geology - Blog about geologists and geology in movies
- Rising to the Occasion - Blog about field trips and education experience
- SEG Geo-Mentoring - Blog about the mentoring-program of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Slightly Diktytaxitic by Tom Hinterberger - reports about research, education and university life of a student
- Southern Exposure - Blog about geological education
- Uncommon Vistas - Blog about a travelling geologist (not really geoscientific articles)
Wow. That's quite a list by this geoberg guy. I appreciate the hardwork that went into this one.
ReplyDeleteI guess he has worked or probably still working for some Oil and Gas company. That is the sector when people get to 'do geology' and learn the most.