Ideas were flying tonight at a brainstorming session at the USGS offices in Tucson for a possible symposium or other celebrations of Arizona's centennial in 2012. Bob Kamilli, USGS geologist and AGS program chair, led the discussion.
A follow-up open organizing meeting was scheduled for June 3 at 5:30 pm in at the same location. A conference call-in number will be forthcoming.
Among the ideas are a multi-day scientific conference, most likely in Phoenix, with possible special sessions for teachers and the public. Should a symposium be held close to the Centennial date of Feb 14 and take advantage of the thousands in Tucson for the gem show? Alternatively, there could be a series of events throughout the year, across the state.
There was strong sentiment for highlighting the role of minerals and water in Arizona's history, as well as prominent geologists who worked here.
Will there be a proceedings volume or perhaps a series of specialized publications? Field trips with the symposium or run independently?
The suggestion to erect highway signs describing the roadside geology, similar to those in Nevada and other states, generated lots of interest and discussion.
AGS will be setting up a page on the society's newly redesigned web site shortly to act as a clearinghouse for further discussion and planning.
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