The Coronado National Forest just released the following announcement:
Tucson, AZ (November 27, 2013)
– The Coronado National Forest has announced the completion of the Rosemont
Copper Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). An informational copy of the FEIS will be
posted on the project website, www.RosemontEIS.us , beginning November 29, 2013. [Top, Santa Rita Mountain site for proposed mine. Credit, Rosemont Copper]
The FEIS is being posted on the Web for informational purposes
only--the pre-decisional objection period does NOT begin at this time. Coronado National Forest Supervisor Jim
Upchurch requested the FEIS be posted on the Web to allow the public ample time
to review the document. As part of the
FEIS appendices, the project website links will include the Biological Opinion,
the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the adverse effects on historic
properties, and the response to comments from the draft EIS public comment
The Forest anticipates that on
December 13 the Notice of Availability for the FEIS will be published in the
Federal Register, which will be the official release of the FEIS. Then, on December 15 a legal notice of the
opportunity to object to the proposed project will be published in the newspaper
of record (Arizona Daily Star). Publication of the legal notice anticipated
on December 15 officially initiates the 45-day objection period to begin on the
day after publication. All documents
including the draft Record of Decision will be available at that time on the
project website, www.RosemontEIS.us .
Information on the objection
process is posted on the project website and will be noticed in a future news