The Coronado National Forest is "considering a request by Arizona Minerals Inc. a.k.a. Wildcat Silver for approval of a Plan of Operations to implement a minerals exploration program on National Forest land at their Hardshell Mine project in the Patagonia Mountains" about 6 miles southeast of Patagonia [
The company proposes to have four rigs drilling up to 15 wells to depths of 2,500.'
The USFS invites comments:
Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail to Mr. Richard Ahern, Minerals Program Manager,
Coronado National Forest, Supervisor’s Office, 300 West Congress Street, Tucson, AZ 85701;
by facsimile to his attention at (520) 388-8305; and by email to commentssouthwestern-coronado@fs.fed.us.
To receive full consideration and to best assist the Forest Service in this effort, your
comments should be submitted within 30 days of your receipt of this notice.
Please identify your facsimile and email comments with "Arizona Minerals Exploration NEPA" in the subject line.
To provide telephone or in-person comments and for further information on the project, please
contact Mr. Ahern at (520) 388-8327, by email at rahern@fs.fed.us or visit the Forest
Supervisor’s office at the address above between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily,
Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Questions on the NEPA process may be
directed to Ms. Andrea W. Campbell, Forest NEPA Coordinator, at (520) 388-8352.