Sunday, August 14, 2011

Geology curator joins centennial museum

Madison Barkley is the newly hired Geology Curator for the "Arizona Experience" [right], the planned reincarnation of the former Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum, as part of the 2012 Arizona Centennial.

Madison recently completed her PhD in Geosciences at the University of Arizona, under the direction of Bob Downs, who is also the Director of the UA Mineral Museum at the Flandreau Science Center. Madison told me she plans on keeping a research office at UA.

Bob has been enthusiastic about the possibilities of developing joint exhibits, education programs, and other resources for the two museums. Madison's appointment may be the key to help make that happen.


  1. Sue Keeney1:55 PM

    Is this a full-time position? Is it for a short term? If so, what purpose will be served by keeping a research office in Tucson?

  2. This is a permanent, full time position. It was openly competed in the state personnel system.

    It is common for scientists to have research affiliations with other institutions, particularly academic ones. It facilitates opportunities for collaboration, joint research, student involvement, etc.

    I reported on this because I view it as a positive step, with mutual benefits for both the museum and UA.

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Your answer above is very good. There are also some othe reasons Madison Barkley should have an
    office at the U of A and spend time there. Her position is mandated in AHS statutes as the curator of the Mining and Mineral Museum. Unfortunately it is dead, and she has an empty
    building instead of a museum. A big part of the
    job involves the state mineral collection; the
    best specimens are now in Tucson. She does need
    to be there as U of A still has a beautiful mineral museum. As we await the "reincarnation"
    of the successful MMM, we have no reason to believe that the needed 15.75 million has even
    been raised, and if it ever is, that it will really serve AZ without an ongoing tax burden to
    keep it running. Meanwhle, many who helped to
    develop the MMM and dedicate it to the earth science education of students are not dead. We
    are simply re-grouping and aim to develop the
    same quality of service to kids.
