Some quick facts from the Arizona page:
- Arizona's Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, rated at 3,937 net megawatts, is the largest nuclear power plant in the nation.
- Arizona ranked second in the nation in utility-scale electricity generation from solar energy in 2013.
- Arizona, the 15th most populous state in 2012, ranked 43rd in per capita energy consumption, partly because of the state’s small industrial sector.
- Arizona's only operating coal mine, Kayenta, on the Navajo and Hopi reservations, supplies the 7-to-8 million short tons burned annually by the Navajo Generating Station's three 750-megawatt units.
- Arizona's Renewable Environmental Standard requires 15% of the state’s electricity consumed in 2025 to come from renewable energy resources; in 2013, 7.8 % of Arizona’s net electricity generation came from renewable resources, primarily from the Glen Canyon and Hoover Dams.
- Twenty-five percent of the energy consumed in Arizona homes is for air conditioning, which is more than four times the national average of 6 percent, according to EIA's Residential Energy Consumption Survey.
Also, they note that Arizona’s
album on EIA’s Flickr page provides access all of EIA’s data graphics related
to Arizona’s energy sector.
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