The project was highly praised
by DOE’s annual external reviews as one of the
best run projects (despite being the largest and having the most participants)
in their portfolio of 230+ projects, with significant impact and
contributions, both technical and economic. The system is intended to increase geothermal exploration and development across the country by providing free, open source access to any digital data that can help, not just limited to geothermal data per se.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will be streaming our data into the online Global Renewable Energy Atlas. We are contributing our content models and interchange formats to the National Data Repositories coalitiont to a new online Business Rules Library for data management in the global upstream petroleum industry. Our model demonstrated that the White House Open Data Access Initiative could be viable and realistic. We are demonstrating how the national network of state-level data can be applied to other natural resources, to natural hazards, environmental, and land use topics.
Anyone can set up their own node in the network using free, open source software at the NGDS website. And anyone can stream the data to their own web portal as IRENA is planning.
We spun off USGIN Foundation, Inc, this past year as an
independent non-profit company to commercialize our technology and infrastructure at the national and international level. NGDS is the biggest
client/application/product of USGIN and one that we will continue to showcase
as an example of what we can do and provide. USGIN provides training, software extensions and customization, node set-up, and development of data content models or interchange formats to add new data categories.
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