"Today I vetoed Senate Bill 1200. Although I commend the work of the bill's sponsor, we must evaluate the use of state buildings holistically, rather than individually. At this point, there is not a plan or organizational structure in place to ensure the successful transition of the mining and mineral museum. While I appreciate the desire to preserve and celebrate the unique characteristics of Arizona's past, it would be premature to sign this legislation at this time."
The museum has been closed since 2011, when it was slated to become the Centennial Museum, but private funds were never raised to make the conversion. [Photo credit, miningmineralmuseum.com]
Governor Ducey needs a briefing on the function and accomplishments of the Arizona Geological Survey. If he had any understanding of the capabilities of the AZGS, he would not have questioned the existence of an organizational structure capable of reopening and operating the mineral museum.