Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Two Solar Energy Zones approved for Arizona BLM lands

 There are two Solar Energy Zones on BLM lands approved for Arizona, as part of a federal roadmap for utility-scale solar energy development on public lands.

The Dept. of Interior announcement says "The Solar PEIS establishes an initial set of 17 Solar Energy Zones (SEZs), totaling about 285,000 acres of public lands, that will serve as priority areas for commercial-scale solar development, with the potential for additional zones through ongoing and future regional planning processes.  If fully built out, projects in the designated areas could produce as much as 23,700 megawatts of solar energy, enough to power approximately 7 million American homes. The program also keeps the door open, on a case-by-case basis, for the possibility of carefully sited solar projects outside SEZs on about 19 million acres in “variance” areas. The program also includes a framework for regional mitigation plans, and to protect key natural and cultural resources the program excludes a little under 79 million acres that would be inappropriate for solar development based on currently available information."  [Below, map of SEZ's.  Credit, BLM]


  1. Thats a lot of homes being powered, but we still need to be able to do better. Solar power is something that should be released and communal.

    -Eleuterio Martinez

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  3. Thanks for your illustrative and educational posts.

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Yea, That's really great that people are taking the use of Home solar panel and homes are being Powered by solar energy.I hope this will work for better growth in the field of solar power.

  5. I defiantly see this as something that can only help the growth of solar. The more people who can see and test its uses the more it will grow. Solar energy in has been growing steadily as people get more first hand looks. I think that same mentality will follow solar wherever it goes

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  7. I think it looks amazing. I'm not sure I would have had the patience that you had though!
