The current issue of the Arizona Hydrological Society carries an editorial by Alan Dulaney outlining some of the challenges related to water facing the new governor and legislature when they take office in January. As usual, Alan doesn't pull any punches:
election season is over. Once the session begins in
January, the new Legislature will have their hands full
with the budget for the next fiscal year—a deficit of
$1.5 billion is currently projected. This might
mean serious cuts in the General Fund budgets for ADWR
and ADEQ. Yet the head of Governor Ducey’s
transition team, former Senator Jon Kyl, has promoted
moving the adjudications process somewhat faster than its
current glacial gait. ADWR will likely be called
upon to support such an effort. ADEQ will
potentially have new EPA rules or guidance that will
increase their regulatory role under the Clean Water
Act. All of which will require a commitment of
state resources, meaning money.
Lack of money is also an issue in the
Four Forest Restoration Initiative, headquartered at the
Coconino National Forest, to better manage Arizona’s
unnaturally dense forests. Almost 25% of the
largest stand of Ponderosa pine in the West has burned
over the last decade. The hydrological damage
becomes evident after the fires are out. We
saw the dramatic hydrological aftermath of the Schulz
Fire on an AHS field trip in 2011. Increased
sediment load and more frequent flooding are the result
of removing the vegetation as the scorched earth no
longer slows runoff. The ash-laden streams cause
severe environmental damage downstream. The
sediment can get into the water supply, causing expensive
problems at municipal treatment plants.
It is safer and cheaper to thin forests
like the Coconino, Kaibab, Apache-Sitgreaves, and Tonto,
than to continue to fight every fire to save every
twig. Thinning keeps the forest more natural; fire
stays on the ground and thus becomes less
intensive. Less intensive fires are ultimately less
of a threat to the water supply. Salt River Project
has been a leading supporter of large-scale forest
thinning in the interest of protecting the water
supply. But money is short, and the target acreage
is big.
The aphorism “Water flows uphill
towards money,” is only partially true anymore. Now
we should say: “Money goes where water
flows.” Wall Street banks, bonding agencies,
venture firms and other entities with capital to
invest—which the state needs—are watching to see if
Arizona can solve its water issues. One measure is
the degree to which Arizona will fund its regulatory
agencies as well as efforts to address the hydrological
problems resulting from forest fires on its
watersheds. Politicians take note: you
weren’t elected to fiddle while we burn.
Alan Dulaney
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