The cluster is visible on the map south of Mesquite. [Credit, USGS]
Google's AI continues to ignore physics
8 hours ago
blog of the State Geologist of Arizona
In January 2016, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey released his Proposed Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2017, where he recommended consolidating the AZGS with the University of Arizona. This proposed restructuring of state government has raised concerns among many in the Arizona’s geological community, who fear it will severely limit the Arizona Geological Survey’s ability to serve the citizens of Arizona. I urge those who will ultimately determine the fate of the Arizona Geological Survey to find a way for it to continue the important work it has done for the citizens of Arizona.The details of the transfer are being worked out by officials in the Governor's office and the University. Some of the plan may be revealed with the fiscal year 2017 budget bills are released, which is expected in the next few weeks.
We are coming down to the wire.The Senate Commerce Committee heard the bill yesterday and passed it along party lines. Several Republican senators expressed concern about the bill when they voted to pass it.
The next step is for the Bill to go to the Senate floor – first for Committee of the Whole where there could be additional amendments considered, then to a 3rd read where they would officially vote on the engrossed version. If any amendments are adopted where the Bill is different than the House version it would need to go back to the House where the Bill sponsor ([Rep.] Petersen) could either concur with the amendments or not concur. If he concurs with the amendments it would need a final vote in the House. If he does not concur it would then get thrown into conference committee. Bottom line is we are hoping for a floor amendment in Senate Committee of the Whole that would remove sections F and G of the Bill.
….. F. A TRAINED GEOLOGIST MAY ENGAGE IN A GEOLOGICAL PRACTICE WITHOUT BEING REGISTERED UNDER THIS CHAPTER. (Trained was added and defined in Section G)….G. “Trained Geologist” means a person who has:1)Earned a Geology degree from an accredited Educational Institution.2) Participated in geologic work experience outside of an educational institution for at least 4 years.Providing an option for individuals to practice geology in the state would result (Section F) in allowing those individuals with a sketchy background (had their license suspended or revoked in Az or another state due to malpractice, have committed a felony, and/or have committed an ethical violation) to pursue being able to provide Geologic Service to the unsuspecting public without being vetted by the BTR [Arizona Board of Technical Registration] through their permit and renewal process.