The Academy runs June 18 - 22, 2012 and is aimed at middle/high school science teachers, environmental/integrated science teachers, preservice science teachers, ELL science teachers and informal educators who already are, or who have the potential to become, science
professional development leaders in their home school districts. Participants will receive a stipend of $150/day and continuing education credits (graduate credit is available at an additional charge).
Topics covered during the 40 hour content-rich Leadership Academy will include:
• Introducing Earth system science to students;
• Teaching Earth and space science with an inquiry approach;
• Investigations to help students understand the Nine Big Ideas in Earth Science (from the Earth Science Literacy Principles);
• Current NASA research and other hot topics in Earth and space sciences;
• Resources for learning and teaching Earth and space science;
• Using learning centers in classroom and workshop settings; and
• Planning, conducting and evaluating your own successful Earth and space science workshops.
Nominations should be made to Dr. Steven Semken, School of Earth and Space Exploration, ASU, at semken@asu.edu.
[taken from the SESE flier and announcement]
I love it!! Best April Fool's blurb today!