Arizona's only producing oil and gas wells are on the Navajo reservation in the far northeast of the state, along the southern edge of the Paradox basin. A new
assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey "estimated means of 560 million barrels of undiscovered oil, 12,701 billion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas, and 490 million barrels of undiscovered natural gas liquids in the Paradox Basin of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona."
The assessment does not include more uncertain resources such as oil in the Precambrian Chuar Group.
Ref: Whidden, K.J., 2012, Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Paradox Basin Province, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, 2011: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012–3031, 4 p.
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