A total of 14 individuals signed in to support the bill and 366 individuals, mostly Geologists and Landscape Architects, signed in to oppose the measure. There was additional opposition from the American Council of Engineering Companies of AZ, the Arizona Chapter of Associated General Contractors, the Arizona Petroleum Marketers Association, the Arizona Planning Association, the Arizona American Institute of Architects and the Arizona Board of Technical Registration. The bill is being pushed by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey as a solution to address the perceived over licensure of professions in Arizona. The hearing for HB 2613 lasted approximately 2 hours and the committee heard testimony from four Geologists against the bill. The bill was passed on a party line 5 - 3 vote with the Democratic members dissenting. The bill has two procedural hurdles before being considered by the full Arizona House of Representatives for an up or down vote. During testimony the Governor’s staff noted that the bill needs additional work and assured the interested groups that they will have input in this process. The American Institute of Professional Geologists and the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists is [sic] leading the opposition to this measure and is [sic] seeking to remove the Geologists from this bill.The four geologists that spoke were Steve Noel (geologist on the BTOR), Dawn Garcia (Tucson, past AIPG AZ Section President), Tiana Rasmussen (AEG representative), and Barbara Murphy (past national AIPG president).
State of the Oceans - Pillage and Plunder
16 hours ago
I don't really see this as a budget issue considering the fees we pay as RGs, but don't very well understand any other type of motivation. Does Ducey really believe that licensed geologists are overkill? That takes a fair amount of ignorance.
ReplyDeleteI am very concerned about HB2613 proposing to drop the registration of geologists in the State of Arizona. Professional geologists are critical to providing expert knowledge and scientific expertise for a broad range of geology and water resource issues which have the potential to directly or indirectly impact the health, welfare, and safety of the public, and the environment. It is critical to assure that geological services be conducted by a professional geologist who meets and adheres to the standards of practice as determined by the Arizona Board of Technical Registration (AZBTR). Current registration requirements include educational standards, passage of a national geologic knowledge exam, several years of work under the review of a professional geologist, and knowledge of Arizona regulations and ethics. To drop registration of geologists in Arizona would be to reverse the current trend where 30 States (2 more are pending) require registration of geologists by professional standards to meet the needs of the public and regulators for health and safety. Plus, as with engineers and architects, by having a registration requirement and administering the registration under the AZBTR, there is a clear process and remedy for the public to obtain justice should a registrant not provide services to Arizona citizens in a competent manner, which may include revocation of the individuals registration and ability to practice within the State. Registration through the AZBTR provides a resource for the public should they need the services of a professional geologist. Without registration there would be no process for technical oversight or public recourse except through the judicial system which may be difficult and costly. It is vital to keep geologists registered in Arizona with administration of the program through the AZBTR.
ReplyDeleteI think HB2613, specifically deregulating geologists, is a great idea. So called licensing and regulation of geologists is a waste of time and money for the professional. It's only purpose to to restrict the number of "professionals" practicing in the State by throwing up road-blocks in the form of useless course requirements and excessive fees to support a useless bureaucracy that exists mainly to prey on hard working people. A degree from a accredited institution should be enough to be called a professional. If the state society of geologists wants to organize a professional certification program, fine, but it shouldn't be required by law. If it's valuable, you can create and sell such a program on its merits alone.
ReplyDeleteCut back on useless regulation that merely limit competition, increase hardship, and feed the egos of those who want to control everyone's lives.
Do you also support eliminating passing the Bar Exam for lawyers to be able to practice in Arizona? Are there any professions that should require licensure or registration?