Jim White told the audience at the recent SME Tucson dinner meeting that the 2011 American Mining Hall of Fame Banquet, Fundraiser, and Awards Ceremony, presented by the Mining Foundation of the Southwest, will be held Saturday, December 3, 2011 at Starr Pass Marriott Resort in the Tucson Mountains. The SME 2011 Arizona Conference will be held at the same location on December 4-5. This is the first time that the two events will be co-located.
The 2011 Inductee to the American Mining Hall of Fame is reported to be Laurence Golborne, Chilean Minister of Mining. Jim said they hope to have the rescue capsule on display that was used to bring the 33 miners to the surface last year in Chile.
I guess none of those miners had claustrophobia. It will be very interesting to see that capsule. I had an MRI done once and felt I was in a coffin. I thought up to that point I was not afraid of tight places. I sure was proven wrong. It should be interesting to hear what the minister of mining has to say.