Sharon Megdal, Director of the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center, passed along this news about the release of three new publications related to water and the environment in Arizona.
The Arizona Environmental Water Needs Assessment (AzEWNA) Report and the Arizona Environmental Water Needs Assessment Methodology Guidebook explore and synthesize efforts to quantify the water needs of river systems in Arizona.
The Report summarizes the state of knowledge about environmental water needs in Arizona, explores the information gaps in Arizona environmental flow studies, and contains maps and graphics to help readers visualize the extent of the inventory.
The Guidebook describes the methods employed to quantify Arizona’s environmental flows and provides decision trees and other tools for those designing environmental flow studies.
The AzEWNA Report and Methodology Guidebook are available at http://cals.arizona.edu/azwater/programs/AzEWNA/index.html.
"The Forgotten Sector: Arizona Water Law and the Environment," by Sharon B. Megdal, Joanna B. Nadeau and Tiffany Tom, has been published in the Arizona Journal of Environmental Law & Policy. This paper examines the extent to which the environment as a water-using sector is recognized in Arizona water law. The paper also highlights opportunities for giving the environment a place at the table within the current legal context. This paper can be accessed online at http://www.ajelp.com/.
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