Join me on Wednesday, January 23, for the inaugural
live episode of the online streaming video magazine Arizona Mining Review.
Arizona is regularly the number 1 or 2 producer of non-fuel (i.e.,
other than coal) minerals in the US, and mining historically was one of the largest component of the Arizona economy. Today, Arizona provides nearly two-thirds of all the copper used in the country.
As part of the 125th anniversary of AZGS, we are launching something new to help us better carry out our statutory duties to
- Serve as a primary source of geologic information in this state to enhance
public understanding of the state's geologic character, geologic hazards and limitations
and mining and mineral resources.
- Inform, advise and assist the public in matters concerning the geological
processes, materials and landscapes and the development and use of the mineral resources
of this state.
Arizona Mining Review a
live, online video magazine from the Arizona Geological Survey designed
to explore and review the state of mining in Arizona -- its challenges
and successes. From potash to copper to gold, from mineral exploration
to policy development, we’ll invite experts from industry, academia,
research, and politics to join us to discuss the current state and
future of mining in Arizona.
our inaugural broadcast, I will be joined by Nyal Niemuth,
(Chief of AZGS’s Economic Geology Section) to provide an update and
overview of mining in Arizona in 2013.
Mining News & Update. Nyal Niemuth and I will explore Arizona’s mining landscape for
2013 and deliberate on the state of copper, gold, silver, rare earth
elements exploration and mining.
2013 Tucson Gem and Mineral Show.
Featured guests Mark Ascher, President of the Tucson Gem and Mineral
Society, and a representative from the Metropolitan Tucson Convention
Visitors Bureau join me to preview the 2013 gem and mineral show.
Interactive Arizona Mining Map. Janel Day (AZGS GIS and Data Manager) will demo a new, online interactive mining map for Arizona’s industrial minerals.
Tune in online
Day: Wednesday, 23 January
Time: 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. (MST)
Your thoughts! Going forward we ask for your questions and comments to be addressed in the next episode. E-mail us at
Subscribe to the Arizona Mining Review listserve (subscribe at amr@azgs.az.gov) for regular reminders of upcoming episodes.
AMR will be recorded and available for later viewing on the AZGS website and YouTube channel – www.azgs.az.gov