Generating Station hangs by a thread. So stated David Modeer, General Manager
of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District (CAWCD), on May 1 in
Glendale. And the fate of a major portion of the reasonably priced,
replenishable water supply for central Arizona hangs with it.
Central Arizona Project has been a goal for Arizona since 1912. Arizona takes
1.5 million acre-feet each year off the Colorado River and moves it through
Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima Counties. But a tremendous amount of power is needed
to move that water uphill to Tucson. Navajo Generating Station (NGS) provides
that power, and keeps CAP water rates reasonable. Without reasonable rates,
farmers have made it clear that they will pump mostly groundwater again, and
municipal users would soon follow. All the progress that has been made since the
1980 Groundwater Management Act in moving the three most populous counties to
sustainable water supplies could be undone. And it all comes to a head with
NGS, which is facing a myriad of challenges to its continued existence.
sits on Navajo Nation land. On Monday night, April 29, the Navajo Tribal
Council discussed the proposed lease extension which would allow NGS to operate
beyond 2019. They came up with a new lease (10 amendments), voted 20-1 to
accept their version, and President Ben Shelly signed it. But Salt River
Project, which operates NGS, has said it will not accept the changes. NGS takes
34,000 acre-feet each year of Upper Basin Colorado River water from the Navajo
Nation allotment for cooling, leaving only 17,000 acre-feet for the Navajo Nation.
The Navajos want all their water back. They also want more control over the
plant, and want the US Bureau of Reclamation to sign the lease. SRP and the
other partners believe promises of more money and jobs will prevail. SRP must
continue negotiating with the Navajos - but a new lease is by no means certain.
In my opinion, non-Reservation folks do not truly grasp what the Navajos want,
which is control over their own natural resources and cultural traditions. This
is not a situation that can be resolved with more money; both sides are
operating under different assumptions. I am not hopeful that a new lease will
be possible as long as the two sides talk past one another.
a couple of weeks ago, Nevada Power suddenly announced that they would seek
legislative permission to withdraw as a partner in NGS. We already knew that
Los Angeles Power and Water was withdrawing, but the Nevada announcement came
out of the blue. I suspect that continuing uncertainty with the lease - and
beyond that, new coal contracts, EPA visibility rule requirements costing up to
$1.1 billion in retrofits, and other challenges still unresolved - caused
Nevada to decide that withdrawing would be the best option. Who will be next to
has done more water planning than any other state in the Union. The CAP canal
is proof of that. Because of our water resources expertise, we sometimes think
that our structure of water rights and engineering is unshakeable. It has
brought us years of sustainable water at reasonable prices. Yet as David Modeer
noted, uncertainty rules CAP from here on out. Only one thing is certain: the
era of cheap water is over.
City of Peoria
Actually here there would be a neat combo: A lot of AZ would be good for central solar power, and since the pumping need not be continious, if the net pumpage were handled by solar, i.e you pump during the day as the sun shines. I have seen studies that show new plant to new plant solar and coal are competitive if the coal plant has all the modern stuff added. It is sort of an Ideal combination to exploit the solar resource of Az to bring it water.