The organization's newsletter offered this profile of Ken:
"Ken Fergason is the 2013-2014 Vice President and President Elect for AEG and a Senior Geologist with AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. in their Phoenix office. Ken was first exposed to AEG as an undergraduate at Texas A&M University, though he lost touch with the organization during graduate school in Arizona. He became involved again once a colleague encouraged him to become active in professional societies and was the Vice Chair of the Phoenix Chapter when it formed in the early 2000s. Ken moved on to become Chair of the Arizona Section, a member of the Governance Committee, co-chair of the Website Committee and began serving on the Executive Council in 2011. Ken has been with AMEC for 13 years as an engineering geologist and has worked on a wide range of exciting projects throughout the country and world, including projects in Canada, Mexico, Germany, Czech Republic and Romania. And, as you can see, isn’t afraid to go out on the edge for geology."
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