The National Ground Water Association has forwarded links to the first three in a series of free online private well owner lessons developed by the NGWA with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The lessons and registration links are as follows: 1) Testing Your Well Water: What should I test for? http://login.icohere.com/registration/register.cfm?reg=796&evt=Water-Testing1 2) Testing Your Well Water: Getting a Test, Interpreting Results http://login.icohere.com/registration/register.cfm?reg=912&evt=Mod2treat 3) Treating Your Well Water: Contaminants That Present a Health Risk and Other Problems http://login.icohere.com/registration/register.cfm?reg=866&evt=Mod3 Cliff Treyens at NGWA says these lessons are very simple and basic—zeroing in on some of the most essential facts that private well owners should know to protect their water quality. He tells us that over the next eight months, NGWA will make as many as 15 lessons available. These short, learn-at-your-own-pace lessons with quizzes are intended to guide well owners to steps they can take and the help that they need. For more information: www.ngwa.org | www.wellowner.org | www.groundwateradventurers.org Private Well Owner Hotline: 855-H20-Well (855-420-9355) |
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