The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act released yesterday is 258 pages long, with a long list of funding proposals but on my first pass through it, found appropriations that cover programs in water, energy, climate change, environmental clean-up, earthquake hazards, national map, science instruments-facilities-equipment, and more. AGU compiled key science investments:
"National Science Foundation: $3 billion, including $2 billion for expanding employment opportunities in fundamental science and engineering to meet environmental challenges and to improve global economic competitiveness, $400 million to build major research facilities that perform cutting edge science, $300 million for major research equipment shared by institutions of higher education and other scientists, $200 million to repair and modernize science and engineering research facilities at the nation's institutions of higher education and other science labs, and $100 million is also included to improve instruction in science, math and engineering."
"Department of Energy: $1.9 billion for basic research into the physical sciences including high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and fusion energy sciences and improvements to DOE laboratories and scientific facilities. $400 million is for the Advanced Research Project Agency Energy to support high-risk, high-payoff research into energy sources and energy efficiency."
"NASA: $600 million, including $400 million to put more scientists to work doing climate change research, including Earth science research recommended by the National Academies, satellite sensors that measure solar radiation critical to understanding climate change, and a thermal infrared sensor to the Landsat Continuing Mapper necessary for water management, particularly in the western states; $150 million for research, development, and demonstration to improve aviation safety and Next Generation air traffic control (NextGen); and $50 million to repair NASA centers damaged by hurricanes and floods last year."
"National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellites and Sensors: $600 million for satellite development and acquisitions, including climate sensors and climate modeling."
I went through the bill and found these additional items:
U.S. Geological Survey: Surveys, Investigations, and Research, $200 million for repair and restoration of facilities; equipment replacement and upgrades including stream gages, and seismic and volcano monitoring systems; national map activities; and other critical deferred maintenance and improvement projects.
NRCS ‘‘Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations’’, $350,000,000
Commerce: ‘‘Construction of Research Facilities’’ $300,000,000, for a competitive construction grant program for research science buildings.
NOAA: ‘‘Procurement, Acquisition and Construction’’, $600,000,000, for accelerating
satellite development and acquisition, acquiring climate sensors and climate modeling capacity, and establishing climate data records: not less than $140,000,000 shall be available for climate data modeling.
NASA: ‘‘Research and Related Activities’’, $2,500,000,000: $300,000,000 shall be available solely for the Major Research Instrumentation program and $200,000,000 shall be for activities authorized by title II of Public Law 100–570 for academic research facilities modernization.
NASA: ‘‘Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction’’, $400,000,000, which shall be available only for approved projects.
Bur. Reclamation: ‘‘Water and Related Resources’’, $500,000,000: not less than $126,000,000 shall be used for water reclamation and reuse projects.
Energy: “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’’, $18,500,000,000, of which not less than $400,000,000 is for geothermal technologies.
Energy: ‘‘Fossil Energy’’, $2,400,000,000 for necessary expenses to demonstrate carbon capture and sequestration technologies.
Energy: ‘‘Science’’, $2,000,000,000: not less than $400,000,000 shall be used for the Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy.
National Park Service: ‘‘Construction’’, $1,700,000,000, for projects to address critical deferred maintenance needs within the National Park System, including roads, bridges and trails, and for other critical infrastructure projects.
EPA: ‘‘Hazardous Substance Superfund’’, $800,000,000, which shall be used for the Superfund Remedial program.
EPA: ‘‘Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program’’, to carry out leaking underground storage tank cleanup activities, $200,000,000.
Ptiograptus percorrugatus Graptolite Fossil
2 days ago
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