A group showed up at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix last Tuesday to protest about the conversion of the Arizona Mining & Mineral Museum to a new "Arizona Experience" center as part of the state's 2012 Centennial. But last week was also Spring Break for many and the Capitol mall was protest central for everyone with an issue. I was there on Wednesday and saw individuals and groups with signs, stilts, costumes, petitions, bullhorns, and flags, covering Medicare, immigration, health care, taxes, recalls, and some issues I never did figure out.
The Mineral Museum group did get brief recognition in an Arizona Republic story about all the protesting. The picture at right is from Dick Zimmerman's "Mineral Museum Madness" blog which advocates maintaining a museum dedicated to mining and minerals.
A later story on page B3 of the Sunday, March 20 Arizona Republic provided more complete coverage. It also reported tha the Centennial Foundation has only been abloe to raise about 10% of the funds required for the centennial museum museum.
ReplyDelete"Centennial museum hits snags" by Alia Beard Rau and Mary Jo Pitzl
Dick, thanks for passing along the link to the story. I had not seen it.