They also now have a web page dedicated to updates on the slide, at http://www.azdot.gov/us89 and slideshow at http://www.flickr.com//photos/arizonadot/sets/72157632823622216/show/
Other news reports on the landslide:
US Hwy 89 Landslide Damage Worse Than First Thought
Congresswoman seeks US funds to repair N. Arizona highway
Slope damage near US 89 closure is unsafe for pedestrians
US 160 and State Route 98, US 89A remain designated detour routes
"After receiving environmental clearance on Monday, ADOT will soon begin drilling the shafts to deploy equipment that will measure slope movement at a specific location. Until it has been determined that the area is stable, ADOT cannot move forward with a design project to repair the highway."
Slope damage near US 89 closure is unsafe for pedestrians
US 160 and State Route 98, US 89A remain designated detour routes
"After receiving environmental clearance on Monday, ADOT will soon begin drilling the shafts to deploy equipment that will measure slope movement at a specific location. Until it has been determined that the area is stable, ADOT cannot move forward with a design project to repair the highway."
YE’YAH: ‘I don’t think it was a small earthquake or tremor’
URGENT-Landslide Caused Highway-89 Buckle, Closure
http://www.lakepowelllife.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4029:urgent-it-was-a-landslide-that-caused-highway-89-buckle-closure&catid=186:latest-local-news&Itemid=18 "ADOT Public Information Officer Tim Tate says the initial theory by state geo-technicians that the implosion of asphalt was caused by a sinkhole has evolved into the understanding that the road ruptured during a landslide that caused a 150-feet gash across the highway and created a 5-feet deep tear."
U.S. Highway 89A near Page remains open despite road collapse
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