Kartchner Caverns by Neil Miller was named 'Best Book' from the Arizona Book Publishers Association at their annual awards dinner the other night.
It was one of three geology-themed books to get awards. In addition, the Grand Canyon Association was singled out for a special award for Excellence in Publishing. [right, Wayne Ranney, whose books received three awards, and Helen Thompson from GCA. Photo from Wayne's blog site, Earthly Musings. Wayne claims that he really did wear the tux - it's not photoshopped in]
The full list of awards is at the ABA site, but the geology-related winners are below:
Best Book
Kartchner Caverns
Neil Miller
The University of Arizona Press
Coffee Table, Large Format & Nature/Environment
Images: Jack Dykinga’s Grand Canyon
Jack Dykinga/Charles Bowden/Wayne Ranney
Arizona Highways
Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau
Ron Blakey/Wayne Ranney
Grand Canyon Association
Special Awards:
Excellence in Publishing
Grand Canyon Association
Thanks for posting this Lee. Just doing my part to keep geology in the forefront of everyone's minds! It really was a big night for the geosciences.