The Interfaith Power and Light campaign is organizing three events across Arizona to bring leaders in the faith communities together "to respond to the crisis of global warming and to establish an IP&L in Arizona." Local environmental and community leaders are being invited as well.
An email forwarded to me this afternoon from Rev. Jan Flaaten, Director, Arizona Ecumenical Council and Rev. Doug Bland, Chair, AEC Earth Care Commission, said IP&L "is mobilizing a national religious response to global warming and promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. Across the nation, 29 states have branches of IP&L. Arizona does not - yet."
The sessions will address why "caring for the earth is a spiritual mandate for us as stewards of the Creation," and "how houses of worship can respond to global warming through the
promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy."
The group is inviting leaders to a brown bag lunch, 11:30-1:30 p.m., at one of the following sites:
April 22, Temple Emmanuel, 5801 S. Rural, Tempe (Note: Please don't bring
shell fish, pork or mix meat and milk as in a meat and cheese sandwich.)
May 13, St. Mark's Presbyterian, 3809 E. Third Street
June 10, Flagstaff Federated Community Church, 400 W. Aspen Ave.
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