The USGS released the 1:50,000 scale Tuba City 30'x60' quad last week.

Abstract: The
Tuba City 30’ x 60’ quadrangle encompasses approximately 5,018 km²
(1,920 mi²) within Coconino County, northern Arizona. It is
characterized by nearly flat lying to gently dipping sequences of
Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata that overly tilted Precambrian strata or
metasedimentary and igneous rocks that are exposed at the bottom of
Grand Canyon. The Paleozoic rock sequences from Cambrian to Permian age
are exposed in the walls of Grand Canyon, Marble Canyon, and Little
Colorado River Gorge. Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are exposed in the
eastern half of the quadrangle where resistant sandstone units form
cliffs, escarpments, mesas, and local plateaus. A few Miocene volcanic
dikes intrude Mesozoic rocks southwest, northwest, and northeast of Tuba
City, and Pleistocene volcanic rocks representing the northernmost
extent of the San Francisco Volcanic Field are present at the
south-central edge of the quadrangle. Quaternary deposits mantle much of
the Mesozoic rocks in the eastern half of the quadrangle and are
sparsely scattered in the western half. Principal folds are the
north-south-trending, east-dipping Echo Cliffs Monocline and the East
Kaibab Monocline. The East Kaibab Monocline elevates the Kaibab,
Walhalla, and Coconino Plateaus and parts of Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon
erosion has exposed the Butte Fault beneath the east Kaibab Monocline,
providing a window into the structural complexity of monoclines in this
part of the Colorado Plateau. Rocks of Permian and Triassic age form the
surface bedrock of Marble Plateau and House Rock Valley between the
East Kaibab and Echo Cliffs Monoclines. The Echo Cliffs Monocline forms
a structural boundary between the Marble Plateau to the west and the
Kaibito and Moenkopi Plateaus to the east. Jurassic rocks of the Kaibito
and Moenkopi Plateaus are largely mantled by extensive eolian sand
deposits. A small part of the northeast-dipping Red Lake Monocline is
present in the northeast corner of the quadrangle. A broad and gentle
elongated anticline, the Limestone Ridge Anticline, forms the crest of
Marble Plateau. Here, Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata generally dip less
than 1° to 2° in all directions from a central high area along Limestone
Ridge north of Bodaway Mesa and east of Cedar Ridge and The Gap. The
Limestone Ridge Anticline plunges gently southeast toward the Painted
Desert at the south edge of the quadrangle and northward toward Lees
Ferry, Arizona, at the north-central edge of the quadrangle. The Tuba
City Syncline is a very broad northwest-southeast-oriented-synclinal
downwarp that parallels the Echo Cliffs Monocline north of Tuba City.
The Preston Mesa Anticline is a small fold present on Kaibito Plateau
north of Tuba City.
Ref: Billingsley, G.H., Stoffer, P.W., and Priest, S.S., 2012, Geologic map
of the Tuba City 30’ x 60’ quadrangle, Coconino County, northern
Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3227,
pamphlet 31 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:50,000. (Available at
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