[Right, high-flow experiment in 2008. Credit, T. Ross Reeve, US Bur. of Reclamation]
Schedule & Duration
- Nov. 18 - begin upramp to powerplant capacity
- Nov. 19 - bypass tubes open at 12:00 p.m. - Nov. 23 at 7:00 p.m.
- Total duration: 5 days; 1 day at peak release
- Ramp up: 1,500 cfs/hr from 9,000 - 42,300 cfs
- Ramp down: 200 cfs/hr from 42,300 cfs to 31,300 cfs
- Ramp down: 1000 cfs/hr from 31,300 cfs to 27,300 cfs
- Ramp down: 1,500 cfs/hr from 27,300 cfs
- Maximum total release: 42,300 cfs
- Powerplant capacity: 27,300 cfs
- River outlet tubes: 15,000 cfs
- Hydropower generation units: 8
- River outlet tubes: 4
- Releases will range from 7,000 - 9,000 cfs prior to and after the HFE
- Lake elevation is projected to decrease by 2.5 feet
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