The Coronado National Forest issued this announcement today about the last of the public hearings on the proposed Rosemont copper mine in the Santa Rita Mountains, south of Tucson:
The final public meeting for the Rosemont Copper Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) will be held on January 14th at the Sahuarita District Auditorium, 350 W. Sahuarita Road, Sahuarita, AZ, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The formal 90 day public review and comment period ends on January 18, 2012. Requirements for commenting may be found at 36 Code of Federal Regulations Part 215.
The purpose of this final meeting is to solicit public input on the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Both written and oral comments will be taken at this meeting. For those wishing to make oral comment, speaker cards will be available beginning at 1:00.
Forest Supervisor Jim Upchurch will make a brief presentation beginning at 1:30. Beginning at 2:00, speaker cards will be pulled at random to determine the speaker order. To hear as many comments as possible, each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes in length. Any speaker cards received after 2:00 will be addressed if time allows. Oral comments will be heard until 5:00 p.m.
The Coronado National Forest is accepting public comments on the Rosemont Copper Project DEIS in a variety of formats. The DEIS is available online at www.RosemontEIS.us. Citizens are encouraged to review the document before submitting comments. Although comments may be submitted by various methods, citizens need only provide comments once for them to receive full consideration. Comments can also be submitted online at www.RosemontEIS.us; by email at CoronadoNF@RosemontEIS.us; by phone at (888) 654-6646; by facsimile to (435) 750-8799; and by mail at Rosemont Comments, P.O. Box 4207, Logan, UT 84323. The subject line of facsimiles and e-mails should include the words “Rosemont Copper Project DEIS”. E-mail attachments should be in Word (.docx), rich-text format (.rtf), or portable document format (.pdf).
Comments most useful for the Environmental Impact Statement process should be as specific as possible. It is also helpful if comments refer to pages and/or chapters of the DEIS. Comments may address either the adequacy of specific analyses in the DEIS or the merits of the alternatives formulated and discussed in the document, or both.
For questions or special needs regarding the public meetings or the comment period, the public may call (520) 388-8300. Additional information about the Rosemont Copper Project DEIS is available online at www.RosemontEIS.us.
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